Cat has been cast on the show "Body Language" in two episodes. The show is based in a strip club and based on the lives of the dancers. Cat is also co-founder of The Scandelles a Toronto based burlesque theater group. They have put on many shows in Toronto and around North America. She also will do feature shows at For Your Eyes Only when not on stage.
When not on stage or hanging on to a pole you can find Cat working as "Veronica Sway". An elite GFE escort in Toronto.
As Veronica, Cat provides Incalls and Outcalls at the rate of $400/hour while in Toronto, travel rates vary by city. She has also been known to be available through the "French Kiss Society" as well.
I was first slightly skeptical when reading the reader submission, but like all submission I investigated further. After hours of searching I came across a profile on for Kitty Neptune, which just happens to use Veronica's photos. Cat's profile describes herself as
"I am a theatre producer from Toronto. I am a trained dancer, and have been choreographing and creating movement theatre for ten years. I am about to tour a show in 2010 and hopefully will bring it to across Canada at some point! My disposition is sunny, I have always had lots of energy. I stay in shape by running or cycling daily, weight training and dance class. I love to debate, drink wine, and laugh. I holiday as often as I can in the winter down south and I just picked up scuba diving as a hobby. I am looking for a gentlemen that is courteous and witty. Has lots to teach me, but also doesn't mind if I teach him a thing or two."
As you can see Cat uses the same photo on her profile as she does for her Twitter account as Veronica.
By all accounts Veronica is a hard-earned dollar well spent should you choose to depart with the expected donation. So if you like feel free to her perform on stage or in the bedroom.