Why don't you get some facts straight before you go posting shit I sold my pictures to an escort agency. No where does that say I am the escort. Who the hell is this "lori" person anyways, and why is she a reptabable person to believe. The fact that you sit on your computer for hours stalking the lives of girls you'd never be able to meet. Get a real life and stop stalking people you creap.
Here's some TRUE info about me tho, so you can re post. I work for reef moxie, its a promotional company. That and I bartend at a pub there's a whole write up about the REAL me on Reef's site, but you prob already know that...stalker
First off why would any model trying to seriously make it in the modeling industry sell their photos to an escort agency? Answer no model would, as it would be a great way to ruin your modeling career, but you have done a good job of that yourself.
You continue to ask where it says you are the escort? It said so on numerous boards dedicated to the escorting industry in the GTA. See photo.
Lori |
Also you gave Lori permission to post the fact that you were the Sunshine girl on the day your photo ran.
You say you are a promotional model for Reef Moxie and that there is a full write up on their site about you, however the only staff that are written about are; Mike, which is a guy and therefore not you; Jamie, an ethnic brunette and therefore not you; Ashleigh, who has freckles and therefore not you; Anthony, a bald dude and therefore not you. I would gather that you occasionally will work for them, however promotional modeling is known for rather large company rosters and very casual work. I highly doubt you can make a living off of that.
You could be a bartender, but that maybe on your off days or I could be just another one of your lies.
I find it a little funny how you emailed us the day your former agency fell off the radar and seemed to close up shop.